Let the Adventure Begin...

In April, Greg and I were a part of the most exciting, exhilarating, consuming, physical, mental, emotional challenge we've encountered doing this business! I've been following Tyler Rye for a while now and had been hoping he'd do an expedition in the USA. Maybe one day I'll be able to join him in In over a period of two days, we did four intense hikes and four awe-inspiring shoots. We overcame major airline issues (thanks to Samantha Rule!), I pushed through a scary knee injury I got on the first leg of the trip (before we even got to Utah), got up before dawn, went to bed late just to do it all over again. If you know me at all, you know I'm a major night owl and don't usually get up before 8 or 9am. Getting up before dawn was a killer, lol!

We experienced our very first helicopter ride (so freakin' cool!). We stood on the side of some very steep cliffs and of course, I shot my heart out! I overcame sleep deprivation, physical pain and exhaustion, fear of heights and I even navigated major motion sickness after coming down the mountain from our last shoot (TMI I know, sorry lol!). We packed up and finally made it home, after yet another airline snafu (I won't fly American Airlines again, ugh). I'm telling you, this trip pushed me past limits I didn't even know I had. While this expedition had it's share of snags, I would absolutely do it all over again!!! Yes, I just might be a just little crazy, lol!

I've always loved camping and seeing this amazing world our Lord created and Utah BLEW my mind in this regard!!! I seriously think we need to spend several months exploring this state. The rock formations, the heights of the mountains, the carved out ravines, the intricate layers of strata no matter where you looked... If I had to pick one word to describe Utah, it would be majestic!

I'll be sharing photos from the shoots soon so keep an eye out for them! For now, here's just a small taste of what we were blessed to experience.